
Final Load

On the Final Load page, enter your call reference/copino number to get a complete overview of the status of all containers you requested to pick up in one trip. This is managed in the Final Load Filter menu at the top of the window. On the right side, you can define general search filters (for example, all containers that have not been released, so you can determine which actions are needed for their release).

The lower part of the screen shows all containers that are part of the call reference, the number requested, which ones are already released, and a complete status overview of all containers, including all statuses required for release (customs, documents, terminal discharge, pickup preparation, and so on). This provides a comprehensive overview, helping you decide which containers you can pick up and when they are available, including those not available and if actions from your side are required.

Different statuses explained

Final Load statusses

ON TML (On Terminal)

Container is planned to arrive at MPET

Container is on terminal

Container has departed


TML REL (Terminal Release)

Terminal release is not present

Terminal release is present

Container has departed


COM REL (Commercial Release)

Commercial release is not present

Commercial release is present

Container has departed

CUST STS (Import customs status)

Selected for scanning, FAVV or Port equalisation

No information received from customs authority

Container has been released by competent customs authority

Container has departed

ASSIGN STS (Assign status)

No object assigned in SCR or CPU

Assigned to different VAT than VAT on copino

Object assigned in SCR or CPU

Container has departed


Pincode (pincode)

No pincode present in copino

Pincode in copino is incorrect

pincode in copino is correct

Container has departed


PCKP RDY (Pickup ready)
Based on: On terminal / Terminal release / Commercial release / Custom status / assign status or pincode

At least one element is not ok

Based on: On terminal / Terminal release / Commercial release / Custom status / assign status or pincode

All elements are ok

Container has departed