Carrier Final Load
This page allows carriers to have an overview of the amount of booked and load ready containers per outgoing export vessel.
After selecting a vessel an overview of all containers opens:
- Select containers to view all containers booked on this vessel or bookings to see al the bookings linked to the vessel
- Multiple filters can be used to specify the search
- Here the complete list of containers/ bookings can be found together will all information known at MPET for that reference.
Container Status lights
ON TML (On Terminal)
Container is planned to arrive at MPET
Container is on terminal
Container has departed
VGM OK (Verified Gross Mass OK)
VGM not yet present
VGM present
Container has departed
CUST DOC (Export Customs Document)
Custom documents not present
Custom documents present
Container has departed
LOAD RDY (Load Ready)
Based on: ON TML / VGM OK / CUST DOC
At least one element is not ok
Based on: ON TML / VGM OK / CUST DOC
All elements are ok
Container has departed
Manage Layout
By clicking on this symbol (1) you can manage the columns visible to you (2) as well as the order in which they are shown (3).