LCT Cancellation Dowloads
The Load Closing Time (LCT) is the administrative deadline for barges. From this moment on no containers can be added or deleted via Copino. A download option has been added to show all containers that were not ready for loading at LCT. The download contains seven columns:
- Container Number
- BL Number
- On Terminal (true/false)
- Commercial Release (true/false)
- Terminal Release (true/false)
- Custom Status (true/false)
- Assign Status (true/false)
To download the file, please follow these steps:
- Click on LCT Cancellations (1)
- Download the Excel file by clicking on the cloud (2)
Messages BG/RL visit
The message item, listing sent Copinos, has been updated. It will now show the following columns:
- Processed On (Time COPINO was processed by MPET)
- Message Function (Create/Delete)
- Status (Processed/Error/Not processed (LCT))
- ‘Not processed (LCT)’ will be used as from February 2025