Release note 2024/2

Please find an overview of the new functionalities of the MPET Connect 2024/6 release.

1. Audit trail

Starting now, you can review the previous statuses of your containers. On the Final Load page (accessible for barge and rail operators) you can click on the arrow (1) to view the statuses or select containers and download the overview by clicking on  the ‘Export Audit Trail’ button (2).


2. Final load: container search

The container number search field on the final load page is no longer space sensitive.

Additionally, it is possible to search multiple containers at the same time.


3. Added filter: deleted containers

When containers are deleted from the copino, they are greyed out in the Final Load overview.
Now, you can also use a “Deleted” filter.


4. Final load: download

Click on “Download” to download a CSV file of containers and their details. Select specific containers or use the filter function to specify which containers must be downloaded.


5.  Automatic copino retry update: gate out

After a container leaves our terminal, MPET Connect will continue to monitor the overall status light on CPU. If this changes, the retry of the copino will be executed. This insures containers that have been picked up for scanning and are brought back to depart by barge or train will be correctly applied in our terminal operating system.

6.Overrule customs light: export containers

Whenever an export container receives a manual customs status overwrite in CPU, MPET Connect will show that the export “CUST DOC” status has been updated manually via a hover message above the customs status. The hover message shown is ‘Manual overwrite’.