Release Note 11

Load Closing Time 8h<RTA instead of 4h<RTA + automated delete 

As from 5/02/2025, the Load Closing Time (LCT) will be 8h before Response Time Arrival (RTA) instead of 4h before RTA.

You can consult the LCT on the BG/RL visit page: 


All containers that are not pick up ready, based on below statuses, will be deleted from the load list at LCT:

  • Discharge expected meaning RTA Barge < ETD Vessel
  • Terminal Release
  • Customs Status
  • Assign Status in CPU or SCR


Examples of containers that would be deleted at LCT:


An automated e-mail will be sent, containing the list of deleted  containers and an attachement with reason of deletion. 

This same attachment will also remain available to download on MPET Connect: 

Dynamic Controlled Delivery Check Barge

To avoid congestion at our yard, MPET applies a dynamic controlled delivery (DCD).
The DCD is a date determined per vessel and states as from when you are allowed to deliver Export Containers. 

You will receive an alert via email after sending your copino (=barge discharge list) for all units you are planning to deliver before the DCD.

You can find the DCD in MPET Connect in the vessel call page, Hinterland view and BG/RL Visit page:

Export Booking Reference Check

To insure that we can correctly stack export containers on our yard we need to know on which vessels they are planned to be loaded.

If the booking reference in a discharge copino is unkown we will alert the sender via email and request that they resend the copino with the correct details.